Thursday, February 24, 2011

Graham's Funny Little Man Party--The Crafty Stuff

Graham's second birthday party was a blast.  Not only was the night of the party fun, but I had a great time crafting-it-up before the party.  It reminded me that at one point in my life (my prepubescent life) I wanted to be a party planner.  I would like to give a special thanks to my two assistants:  Jesse, who didn't have a choice, and Miranda, for being a wonderful best friend.

I was inspired by Bliss Bloom Blog and her Funny Little Man Party.  Here are some of the pictures. 

 After all that hard work I got a picture after the "A" in Graham fell off and I didn't even notice.

 The treat bags had sidewalk chalk, bubbles and mustache/lip suckers.

Getting Graham to demonstrate the mustache sucker was harder than I thought it would be.  Apparently he hates mustaches.

I loved the pinwheels--one of my favorite parts!  I had to look up a tutorial on how to make them and downloaded a virus while I was at it.

For dinner we had grilled turkey paninis and dessert was cookies, ice cream and milk.  If you want a killer cookie, try this recipe for Chocolate Fudge Butterfinger Cookies.  They were a real hit.


  1. Wow, so cute, we definitely missed a great party!

  2. Well look at you and what a crafty mom you are! This looks like a fabulous, unique party. I'm glad to see you are doing well!
