Thursday, February 24, 2011

Graham's Funny Little Man Party--The Guests

I can speak for both Jesse and I when I say we feel very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends.  Thanks to everyone who came and made the party a big success.  It was so fun to see all those kids in that bounce house and I feel sad I didn't get any pictures of them.  Here is an ode to the guests.

Most of the Mooso Crew

The rest of the Mooso Crew

The Monson Gang

The Felix Clan

The Oakeson Faction

The Dayton Bunch

The Tanner Tribe

The Davidson Folks

The Other Oakesons

And those not pictured including the Wilsons, Wildes, and two of my favorite gals, Mimi and Miranda.  How you guys got out of this mandatory photo op, I am not quite sure.

Happy Birthday Funny Little Man!

Graham's Funny Little Man Party--The Crafty Stuff

Graham's second birthday party was a blast.  Not only was the night of the party fun, but I had a great time crafting-it-up before the party.  It reminded me that at one point in my life (my prepubescent life) I wanted to be a party planner.  I would like to give a special thanks to my two assistants:  Jesse, who didn't have a choice, and Miranda, for being a wonderful best friend.

I was inspired by Bliss Bloom Blog and her Funny Little Man Party.  Here are some of the pictures. 

 After all that hard work I got a picture after the "A" in Graham fell off and I didn't even notice.

 The treat bags had sidewalk chalk, bubbles and mustache/lip suckers.

Getting Graham to demonstrate the mustache sucker was harder than I thought it would be.  Apparently he hates mustaches.

I loved the pinwheels--one of my favorite parts!  I had to look up a tutorial on how to make them and downloaded a virus while I was at it.

For dinner we had grilled turkey paninis and dessert was cookies, ice cream and milk.  If you want a killer cookie, try this recipe for Chocolate Fudge Butterfinger Cookies.  They were a real hit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boise and Back

Last week Graham and I flew to Boise to visit my parents in honor of his last free flight before he turns 2.  The longer I am a mother the more I appreciate mine.  It has been difficult having her so far away--yes, a 5 1/2 hour drive/45 minute flight is considered far.

Graham loves all the stuffed animals at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Great Grandma and Grandpa Mooso

Boise Temple

Freezing in the Park

Crafting--a mom and daughter tradition

Silly Morning

When your mornings are filled with dance parties and santa-jammie-hats you know you are lucky.  Also, I am pretty sure that my son has talent already.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In the Birthday Spirit

Forget the holiday spirit, I am in the birthday spirit.  Christmas was a busy time and crafting got put on the back burner.  However, the last couple of weeks I have really enjoyed finishing up some projects including Graham's birthday crown and a birthday banner.  Second birthday, here we come!