Friday, May 18, 2012

Reece at 6 Weeks

Blog:  Long time no blog.

Me:  Sorry.

Blog:  What's new?

Me:  Had a baby

Blog:  I didn't even know you were pregnant.

Me:  Sorry.

Although he is still wearing newborn sized clothing (just barely), Reece is starting to seem so grown up. 

He is more alert and interested in his surroundings.

Jesse has referred to him as "skeptical Reece" because he often has a furrowed brow.

Yesterday was the first day I thought he was finally starting to look bigger, so I weighed him and he is a whopping 10 lbs.

In the light you can tell that his eyes are going to be brown.

Yes, the hair on his ears is still there.

He is starting to smile and coo, and he thinks I am pretty hillarious.