Monday, August 30, 2010

Oh where, Oh where has my entire summer gone?

It seems like summer really flew by this year. With a cold May and an early fall, it seems like we were short on time, but not on fun. Here are some highlights.

It started with a surprise birthday party for Mimi in St. George.

Lots of yard work and still a long way to go.

A couple of races, including the Law Day Run.

A visit to Boise to see the family, including Tiffany & Eli

And to celebrate Tyler's graduation

A trip to Hogle Zoo with Grammie, Auntie Em and cousins Mary and Duncan.

Fun with friends
A bit of hiking

Some backyard pool parties, thanks to Mimi

A Mooso Family Reunion in Idaho Falls

A visit from the family

Including crafting with my mom

The splash park with Mimi

And cousins!